
Off-Canvas for Elementor is a new component that will allow you to create unlimited content blocks that you will display in a panel.
Add hidden content that will be displayed by swiping over your content.
Multiple sources like contact form, Elementor templates, Menus or WordPress Widgets.
Opening of the panel by triggering a button or free text that you can style.
Watch this tutorial to discover the implementation and the available features

Unlimited Panels from any side

You can define an unlimited number of panels, their positions (five) and activate or not an overlay which will close the panel with a mouse click or touch event.

Off-canvas position
Off canvas sticky button

Trigger a Panel from button or text

From the Trigger tab, activate the Sticky button to position it left or right
As you can see the right button is sticky. He opens a panel with a contact form inside

Select the content to be displayed

From the Content tab, select the type of content you wish to display from the list.
Different content like free text, display of a menu, saved Elementor templates, Shortcode and several widgets

Off canvas content list

Customize trigger button

You can customize the trigger button by styling the color, background color, different shapes and add a pictogram to the left / right of the button text

Responsive design support

The off-canvas content designed with off-canvas component will look great on all devices.
The content within the panel is builded from an Elementor template section

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About chichille


Achille Talon, prototype de l'antihéros (un « gros bourgeois bavard » d'après Goscinny) : quadragénaire ventripotent (93 kg2) au nez énorme et à la calvitie généreuse, bourgeois suffisant et vaniteux, célibataire (malgré ses projets de mariage avec Virgule de Guillemets, marquise de son état).