Author Info Box

Author Info box for the free version of Elementor is a powerful component that allows you to display document author information. This data will have been previously entered in the profile of each of the contributors to your site.
They are mainly constituted by the name, the role, a brief description of the qualities of the person and his photo. Retrieve only Avatar or default Gravatar.
To complete the profile you can add the addresses of different social networks whose fields are not included in the standard profile (Read more).
With our widget you can build an Elementor template section and apply it to all or parts of your publications.
The data is dynamic and will be consistent for each post with the post author’s profile data.
Follow this link to build an Author Info Box.

Four ways to display the author info box

You have created a section template with Elementor and implemented the data you want to display in the component.
The template can be reused

  • by its shortcode in a sidebar (Read more),
  • in a modal box provided by the distribution,
  • in an Off-canvas menu provided by the distribution,
  • after selecting the post type/posts in which the model should be displayed.

Display the info box in a modal box or an off-canvas menu

The component is fully responsive and fits perfectly on sidebars, Modal box or Off-canvas menu components.

The model is displayed in a modal box provided by the distribution (Component Modal Box).

The model is displayed in a off canvas menu provided by the distribution (Component Off-canvas Menu).
Very appropriate for replacing a sidebar.

Dynamically add Author Info box before / after content

As you can see the template is displayed after the content of the post according to the configuration that has been made in the template.

Author avatar photo
About Hilarion Lefuneste


Hilarion Lefunest son navrant voisin-par-la-force-des-choses, qu'il considère comme un « cuistre » et un « Béotien ». Lefuneste est le stéréotype du voisin exaspérant, mesquin et ignorant (malgré des qualités d'éloquence certaines), totalement dépourvu d'imagination, de générosité et d'élégance. Petit et malingre, avec un visage rond souligné par une énorme paire de lunettes et une petite moustache en brosse (Greg s'est inspiré de ses propres traits pour camper ce personnage), il est toujours vêtu d'un gilet et coiffé d'une casquette plate. Ses opinions politiques se révèlent quand, dans l'album Viva Papa !, Lefuneste est choisi comme représentant par un délégué du Parti communiste français.