Installation : The plugin ‘Elementor’ is installed and active. Unzip the content of the ‘zip’ in the plugins directory and then proceed to activate it.
Components : You can Activate / Deactivate each of the components/features in the EAC Components settings page to avoid loading unnecessary resources.
Language: “English (United States)” is the default language of the plugin except for wordpress sites whose language setting is French.
Change log
V2.2.6 – 08/27/2024
New: help added for ‘Element usage’ feature.
Fix: ‘Element usage’ count of publications displayed in the Elementor editor and Element Manager.
V2.2.5 – 08/07/2024
Download version 2.2.5
New: ‘settings page’ add a count of publications using each component (Read more)
Updated: replace the deprecated Schemes color and typography arguments by Global color and typography.
Updated: enable SVG upload option for Icons conrol.
Fix: ‘Navigation menu’ body page scroll on mobile.
Enhance: ‘Page load speed’ add ‘defer’ attribute to non-essential Javascript scripts (Read more).
Improved: compatibility with WordPress 6.6.1
Improved: compatibility with Elementor 3.23.1
V2.2.4 – 07/21/2024
Download version 2.2.4
Updated: added an option to create a global link for each grid element (Read more).
Updated: added ‘Relative’ option position for ‘Off-canvas’ component (Read more).
Fix: the dynamic ACF datetime tag is translated into the wrong language.
Fix: in some environments, the plugin language is displayed in French.
Fix: taxonomy filter does not appear with mobiles for all grids.
Improve: form security for the plugin settings page.
Improve: component interfaces in the editor have been refactored to improve design and overall consistency.
Improve: compatibility with the experiment ‘Inline font icons’ (Read more).
V2.2.3 – 05/21/2024
New: dynamic Woocommerce tag ‘Recent sales gallery’ to create a gallery of recent product sales.
Updated: migration of the ‘Swiper’ library to version 9.4.1 for components with the Slider display mode.
Updated: migration of the ‘Prism’ library to version 1.29.0 for the component ‘Syntax highlighter’.
Improved: the plugin is now compatible with WooCommerce HPOS ‘High-Performance Order Storage’.
Improved: compatibility with Elementor 3.21.4
Improved: compatibility with WordPress 6.5.3
Notice: component ‘Image effects’ is removed.
V2.2.2 – 05/02/2024
Notice: all the changes in this version are aimed at speeding up page loading, but also have an impact on the design of the widgets used.
New: ‘Page preloading’ feature to preload pages from their links (Enable option in Dashboard/EAC settings/Wordpress).
New: dynamic Woocommerce tag ‘Categories gallery’ to create a gallery with images related to categories.
New: dynamic Woocommerce tag ‘Featured gallery’ to create a gallery with featured images.
New: dynamic Woocommerce tag ‘Best sellers gallery’ to create a gallery of best-selling products.
New: dynamic Woocommerce tag ‘Similar gallery’ to create a gallery of products similar to another.
Updated: standardization of ‘Grid and Grid equal height’ display modes.
Updated: refactored the old ‘padding-bottom’ image ratio technique with ‘aspect-ratio’ CSS.
Updated: image element now supports ‘srcset and size’ attributes for better responsiveness.
Updated: added a ‘loading lazy’ option that can be activated with grids containing images.
Notice: the old and basic component ‘Image effects’ will be remove from the next version.
V2.2.1 – 04/11/2024
Download version V2.2.1
Fix: ‘Image gallery’ critical error on image link.
V2.2.0 – 04/09/2024
New: ‘Advanced image gallery’ lets you create responsive image galleries from multiple sources, five display modes, lightbox and more (Read more).
New: dynamic tag ‘Post gallery’ to create a gallery with images attached to the current post.
New: dynamic Woocommerce tag ‘Product category gallery’ to create a gallery with images from a category.
New: dynamic Woocommerce tag ‘Product category URL’ to retrieve the URL of a category.
Updated: ‘Image gallery’ the interface has been completely rewamped.
Updated: feature ‘Link element’ now supports custom attributes.
Updated: ‘Swiper slider’ uses ‘aspect-ratio’ CSS instead of the old ‘padding-bottom’ technique for images.
Fix: feature ‘Link element’ assignment to constant variable.
Fix: accessibility ‘Table of content’ no aria attribute on pictograms.
Improved: compatibility with Elementor 3.20.1
Notice: WooCommerce HPOS ‘High-Performance Order Storage’ incompatibility notice added.
V2.1.9 – 03/21/2024
Fix: ‘Header Footer builder’ generates two head tags for unsupported themes.
V2.1.8 – 03/14/2024
New: ‘Custom CSS’ feature added global custom CSS to the site (Read more).
New: added an indicator in the navigator to show that the element has Custom CSS applied to it (Read more).
New: added an indicator in the navigator to show that the element has display conditions applied to it (Read more).
New: Elementor, ACF and Woocommerce dynamic tags are compatible with the PRO version of Elementor.
Updated: The list of dynamic ACF tags is displayed by ACF group name.
Improved: compatibility with Elementor 3.19.2
V2.1.7 – 02/12/2024
New: added new feature ‘Display conditions’ on section, container and widget to hide elements according to simple rules (Read more).
New: added two new dynamic ACF tags ‘ACF Date time & ACF group Date time’ with Date picker field (Read more).
Updated: dynamic ‘shortcode’ tag added escape filter.
Fix: ‘Custom CSS’ with PHP 8.1.x trim function passing null to parameter.
Improved: accessibility ‘Ken Burns effect’ consolidates rules relating to navigation with screen readers.
V2.1.6 – 01/10/2024
Updated: ‘Single menu’ added option to display menu items in multiple columns as Mega menu.
Updated: dynamic tag ‘Elementor templates’ added ‘Container’ in the item selection list.
Fix: dynamic tag ‘Acf text field’ no longer in the list of dynamic tags.
Fix: ‘Pinterest feeds’ the fields are not emptied when the feed is modified.
Improved: prevent security vulnerabilities when the HTTP request is being made to an arbitrary URL.
Improved: accessibility ‘Simple menu’ consolidates rules relating to navigation with screen readers.
Improved: compatibility with WordPress 6.4.2
Improved: compatibility with Elementor 3.18.2
V2.1.5 – 12/19/2023
Updated: accessibility ‘Openstreetmap’ setting up rules for navigating between elements with the keyboard and screen readers.
Updated: accessibility certain modifications may have an impact on the existing CSS, notably the buttons.
Updated: start of the migration of Javascript handlers with the method recommended in the Elementor 3.10 version.
Updated: ‘ACF Relationship grid’ delete the selection list of post types
Fix: accessibility ‘Off-canvas’ keyboard focus is not trapped in content when the Off-Canvas is open.
Fix: ‘Off-canvas’ on mobiles ‘body’ scrolling is not always disabled when Off-canvas is open..
Notice: to increase the audience, visibility and ranking (SEO) of our work, it would be great if you put a link from your site to our site.
V2.1.4 – 12/01/2023
Updated: ‘Lottie background’ added “Loop” option to trigger the animation once or loop (Default).
Updated: ‘RSS reader’ prevent PHP directive ‘allow_url_fopen’ from causing an exception.
Updated: ‘RSS reader’ added an option (Content: vertical alignment) to better manage the space between elements.
Updated: ‘Openstreetmap’ prevent PHP directive ‘allow_url_fopen’ from causing an exception.
Updated: ‘PDF viewer’ prevent PHP directive ‘allow_url_fopen’ from causing an exception.
Improved: accessibility ‘Simple menu’ implementation of rules relating to navigation with the keyboard and screen readers (Read more).
Improved: accessibility ‘Grid Load more’ button the focus is on the first focusable element of the new items.
Improved: accessibility ‘Grid Load more’ button displays the number of loaded items out of the total number of expected items.
Notice: to increase the audience, visibility and ranking (SEO) of our work, it would be great if you put a link from your site to our site.
V2.1.3 – 11/15/2023
Updated: the ‘Clone, Create, Trash, Edit with Elementor’ actions of header/footer templates are now relative to the rights defined in the ‘Role Manager’ module of Elementor (Read more).
Updated: ‘Simple nav menu’ added option to enable/disable overflow.
Updated: ‘Image gallery, Post & product grid’ added an option in grid mode to adjust each row to the same height (Read more).
Updated: ‘Image gallery, Post & product grid’ filters are fully customizable.
Fix: ‘ACF Relationship grid’ doesn’t work with Header and Footer templates.
Fix: ‘Sticky effect’ Top/Bottom thresholds can be null.
Fix: ‘Table of content’ does not jump to section on first touch on mobiles.
Improved: accessibility for readers with disabilities (Read more).
Improved: accessibility add outline focus for focusable elements.
Notice: these changes have a potential of breaking somme components CSS.
Improve: loading shared scripts ‘Swiper & RSS feed’ with ES6 module Export/Import statements.
Improved: compatibility with WordPress 6.3.2
Improved: compatibility with Elementor 3.16.0
Notice: ‘Openstreetmap’ since end of October 2023 Stamen tile service is closed. “Toner, Tonerlite & Terrain” requires an API key to work (Stadia).
V2.1.2 – 08/07/2023
Fix: ‘Breadcrumbs’ widget critical error with Yoast SEO.
Fix: Showing product description of ‘Product Grid’ widget does not check if woocommerce is still active.
Fix: ‘Chart’ widget does not use a strict comparison to check an external URL.
Fix: ‘ACF Relationship Grid’ widget title style disappears when featured image option is disabled.
EAC Team