Post Grid for Elementor free version is a new component that extends the basic functionality of Elementor.
It allows you to present your blog posts and your Custom Posts Type with the corresponding Taxonomy and filtering by post Authors and Custom Fields.
The Post Grid supports standard Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields Keys/Values with their Data types and Comparison operators.
Follow this link for the documentation.
Select layout mode
You can choose to display the Post Grid with three layout modes Masonry, Grid and Slider.
Grid mode will allow you to apply an aspect ratio to images.
You can activate the filters (Categories, Tags) or choose to browse posts with a pagination button.
Display a specific number of articles and exclude some of them.
Apply sorts on the title, the last modification date…
How to configure the content settings
You can choose to display or not all the elements that make up an post.
Set image size and assign post link to this image.
Display Avatar for the post author.
Define the number of posts to display per line and for each device.
Query and Advanced Queries
The Post Grid component supports Simple query that will allow you to select posts, pages or custom post types and filter them by their taxonomies (Categories/Tags).
You will be able to use a query engine to create Advanced query will give you more latitude to filter articles by their authors or metadata originating from standard Custom Fields or Advanced Custom Fields (ACF).
Simple and advanced queries can be combined for more accuracy.
You will be able to view the final content of the query by activating an option.
Change post style & color & typograpgy
You will be able to select the style of each item from 13 different styles.
Modify the position, color and typography of the filter.
You will be able to alter the shape and size of the Avatar.
Change the size, the typography of each of the constituents of an post.
Hilarion Lefunest son navrant voisin-par-la-force-des-choses, qu'il considère comme un « cuistre » et un « Béotien ». Lefuneste est le stéréotype du voisin exaspérant, mesquin et ignorant (malgré des qualités d'éloquence certaines), totalement dépourvu d'imagination, de générosité et d'élégance. Petit et malingre, avec un visage rond souligné par une énorme paire de lunettes et une petite moustache en brosse (Greg s'est inspiré de ses propres traits pour camper ce personnage), il est toujours vêtu d'un gilet et coiffé d'une casquette plate. Ses opinions politiques se révèlent quand, dans l'album Viva Papa !, Lefuneste est choisi comme représentant par un délégué du Parti communiste français.