News ticker

News Ticker for Elementor is a new component which will allow you to display your favorite news feeds continuously on single line across the screen.
They typically display current news items, sporting results, live financial and currency information, and weather information.
This is a great way to display small snippets of information, for example to show your latest posts you’ve published.
The component behaves like a feedreaders. Consult the official WordPress documentation.
Follow this link to build your own News Ticker.

Breaking News: Taglines
Euronews:: EAC feed:: WPTavern feed:: Le Monde:: Courrier International:: Huffington:: BBC News:: Die Welt:: CNN World:: Corriere della Sera::

Create your list of news feeds

You can add as many news feeds as you want.
For each feed you must add the title and its full url.
Depending on the setting, the content of each feed will be displayed automatically in the order of the list.

News ticker page feeds
News ticker page settings

Configure the behavior of the widget

Decide how many posts will be displayed for each feed.
The number of loops before loading the next stream.
The viewing direction, left or right.
Automatic displaying of feeds when opening the page.

Set widget styles

You can choose between eleven widget display styles or you can define your own style.
News ticker page styles