Use Advanced Custom Fields with the free version of Elementor. You will learn and see the power of the Dynamic Tags implementing the features of the free version of ACF.
Overview of ACF features for Elementor
You of course know the Custom Fields that are implemented as standard with WordPress, but you also know that they are seriously limited because they are not typed and are only saved as string.
We quickly realize that we can not achieve modern layouts and fortunately there are tools and techniques that will allow us to remove all obstacles, such as ACF…
EAC implements many ACF fields that you will access with Elementor’s Dynamic Tags.
We will therefore show you how to access them and their conditions of implementation.
You should be familiar with the Dynamic Tags features of Elementor and the Advanced Custom Fields plugin (ACF).
If it’s not the case follow this link.
All fields you created support returned formats ‘Value, Label or Both). Fields with multiples selections are also supported.
Supported ACF text field types
Select the icon at top right and the ACF text entry in the list.
You’ll then see all the ACF fields you’ve created and entered in the post or globally with the ACF options pages.
List of supported text ACF fields
Supported ACF url field types
- ACF Url: use this tag to add an URL on title, image or other controls that support URL
- ACF Group Url: the same as before but with the ACF layout ‘Group’
- ACF File : use this tag to add the URL of a file, in particular for the ‘PDF viewer’ component
- ACF Group File: the same as before but with the ACF layout ‘Group’
Supported ACF image and image gallery field types
As for the other ACF field types, select an image and the dynamic tags icon, then the ACF image or ACF Group image entry.
You can create an image gallery with the ACF Image gallery field and publish it with a shortcode or Elementor
Using ACF's dynamic Date picker tag
The Datepicker field adds a fully-functional calendar feature for picking days, months, and years and display them as a due date or as a pivot date for hiding an element with the feature Display conditions.
Select the dynamic tag from the list
After selecting the ACF Date time field, you should find in the list the fields you defined when configuring your ACF groups for the current post.
Enter your own date as a fallback
If you haven’t defined a field, you can select or enter a date directly in the fallback field.
Select date display format
Display ACF fields data under layout Group
EAC supports ACF fields inside an ACF layout group by expanding each of the fields as a single field.
Each type of field is assigned to the right widget.
I am not able to fully comprehend this how-to tutorial, it is not appear to me to be coherent. This is a common problem among software coders who attempt to be writters of non-computer language.
Is this EAC plugin free of charge? Why is it not on the Worpdress repository?
The Dynamic Tag list on Elementor is not avaliable in the free version, does EAC unlock that feature?
We agree for on developers don’t produce good documentation
– Free of charge: consult the bottom of the home page ‘Cost’
– WordPress repository: because we have to decide so and to avoid the questions you ask us
– EAC unlock Dynamic Tags: follow this link =>
First of all, thanks for your hard work ! The plugin looks very very nice and it’s so useful. However, I can’t use it the way I want because of a bug (or maybe something I’m doing wrong) :
– I want to display ACF fields on Elementor, so I installed the free version of Elementor (not the pro one).
– I use Customizr Theme
– I created a new post type with ACF, called “Films”. I created a new group of fields, and I have one post created in this category.
Here’s my problem : when I go to Elementor, dynamic fields, I click on “ACF Text” for example, and then when I click on “Field” to select the type of ACF field I want to refer to, an empty list appears.
Have you ever heard of that problem ? How can I solve it ?
Thanks in advance !
Hello Lairym,
Sorry for the inconvenience,
Difficult to help you without access to the source
Nevertheless, this morning I reproduced all the actions you describe.
First, I created a new ‘Movies’ post type with ACF.
Then I created a new field group with two fields, Text and URL, with the rule ‘Post type is equal to Movie’.
I open the ‘Elementor/Settings’ page and select ‘Movies’ in the post types.
I create a new post ‘Movies’ and fill in the two fields ‘Text and URL’.
Saving and editing with Elementor.
In the Elementor editor, I place a text field and a title.
I select the dynamic tag and in the list I find the name of my ACF field, and for the title I enter a URL which I find in the dynamic tags.
I hope this helps.
I think I understand what my problem was. I did everything you said on ACF, but I’m trying to display elements like the last film title uploaded via Elementor, but on another page, for example on the Homepage of my website. I can call dynamic stuff only on the current film Elementor page, but not on others. Is there a way to do that or is it really impossible ?
Hello Lairym,
OK, I understand your problem,
There are several ways to solve it
The simplest: in your home page add the Shortcode widget and paste this code:
[acf field="mfb_text" post_id="22610"]
Change the field ID as well as the ID of the post in which you filled in your ACF title field.
And if you want to add a link around the title, add the text widget, select the ‘Text’ not ‘Visual’ tab and paste this code
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
href=”[acf field='mfb_url' post_id='22610']“>[acf field='mfb_text' post_id='22610']
I have a problem interpreting the comments. Add opening and closing link tags at the beginning and end of the code respectively
Respect the single quotes and quotation marks
A more complex solution is to use the ‘ACF relationship‘ widget.
Translated with (free version)
Thank you very much for creating this plugin! I’m using it right now. My question is that it seems to take very long for the plugin to work and for the fields to appear, so I wonder how can I make it work faster? I think it’s also making my computer work doubly hard. How do I go about this issue?
Hello Kqhan,
First of all I don’t see if the performance problems you’re seeing are on a local or stagging server.
Perhaps a problem due to ‘PHP Memory Limit’ and/or ‘WP Memory Limit’.
Nevertheless we have deployed Elementor’s recommendations in terms of performance and you can consult our commitments here .
For the rest, maybe too many plugins or themes installed!
But there are other plugins that will do the job just fine
Hi, What’s the compatibility status on the acf/scf issue?
Will this work on this taken over plugin?
Hello Fernando,
As for the current controversy between ACF and Automattic, I don’t know any more about it than you do.
What I do know is that if you update ACF, it will disappear from the list of plugins in favor of SCF (Secure Custom Fields) for the free version of ACF.
As for the rest, I’ll need some time to make a concrete and exhaustive assessment.
And did you try to see if dynamic tags for elementor based on acf fields still work?
Thanks again
Hello Fernando,
The SCF plugin is a fork of ACF, so there shouldn’t be any issues.
I quickly tested the main SCF fields (Text, Url, Image) as well as the SCF relationship grid and found no errors or issues.
Now you can always download the ACF plugin directly from the WPengine website and install it in place of SCF, which you will have “Deactivated” beforehand.
Thanks!!! It always amaze me how this superb plugin is a hidden gem…
You guys rock!!!