Display Elementor Template Anywhere Using Shortcode

You can get the Shortcode of Saved Templates without Elementor Pro because EAC gives you the opportunity to retrieve shortcodes for all the pre-design layouts you have created or imported.
So, you can easily get them by navigating to Elementor -> Templates -> Page / Section / Container -> Shortcode Column
Select and copy the template shortcode.
Paste the shortcode into any widget, custom HTML or Textarea (Read more about Dynamic Template).
If you don’t see the shortcode column, check the Screen Options dropdown menu if the shortcode column is enabled.

In any case, if you can’t see the shortcode column in the model view, you can directly add a shortcode using [eac_elementor_tmpl id="XXX"] where “XXX” is your model ID.
To retrieve the model identifier, simply hover your mouse over the model whose identifier you wish to find and glance at the bottom left-hand corner of the screen.
Replace “XXX” with the model ID.

Elementor template shortcode
Template shortcode column

9 thoughts on “Display Elementor Template Anywhere Using Shortcode”

  1. Hello
    I just wanted to express my gratitude for all the work you’re putting by making all these feature. Maybe your next move will be ACF fields integration.
    All the best

    • Hello @natalie
      The ACF features are now imlemented and accessibles with the Dynamic Tags
      The next release 1.8.0 implements also a feature for using ‘Relationship’ field as Related posts.
      You will find the doc under the help center link
      Rgds Chichille

    • Hello,
      I am very confused that you cannot see the Shortcode column in the Elementor view template
      Try this:
      Open page/post with Elementor, select Html control and put [eac_elementor_tmpl id="Your template ID"]
      Or use dynamic tags with text control whose use is explained in this article ==> Dynamic Template

      • Hi Chichille,

        I have the same issue as Muneef, and under screen option, there is no option to select shortcode as a feature to see, only Type/Author/Categories/Date/Statistics, followed by pagination and view mode (compact/extended). I am not super knowledgeable but good at figuring things out generally.


        • Hello Zoe,
          Sorry for the issue you are facing
          We haven’t found any problems with the ‘Shortcode’ column in Elementor’s Templates views.
          If you’ve enabled debugging with ‘WP_DEBUG’, check the Dashboard/Elementor/System info Log section for traces of our plugin.
          You can also deactivate other plugins one by one to check for conflicts.

          • Hey there!
            I have the same issue as mentioned before by other users.
            Shortcode and also shortcode checkmark option will not show up for templates after installing eac.
            Is there something elementor did for not making it possible anymore?


          • Hello Martin,
            Sorry, but I tested the code again this morning and found no problems in any of the environments.
            The shortcode column is clearly visible under the ‘Page, Section and Container’ tabs.
            Under dashboard/Elementor/System info section ‘Log’, do you have any traces of the EAC plugin?
            If not, you can use the ‘Pionet Addon’ plugin, which offers the same feature.

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