Default values for the Control 'Group_control_background'
I want to show you how you can set default values for the control ‘Group_Control_Background‘ to display a background image.
You have to set the ‘fields_options‘ array of array with ‘key‘ => [‘default‘ => ‘value‘] like any other css properties.
The background image will be affected by the default values and cover the container, the focal point is centered and the image is not repeated.
'name' => 'mb_modal_box_bg',
'types' => ['classic', 'gradient'],
'fields_options' => [
'image' => [
'default' => ['url' => Utils::get_placeholder_image_src()],
'size' => ['default' => 'cover'],
'position' => ['default' => 'center center'],
'repeat' => ['default' => 'no-repeat'],
'selector' => '{{WRAPPER}} .myclass-bg',
Full default values with 'Controls_Manager::DIMENSIONS'
I want to show you how you can set default values for an image to display a perfect rounded image.
If your image is not square, put the ‘Group_Control_Image_Size‘ control with property ‘Image Size’ equal Custom and whose default values could be 400×400
'name' => 'ir_image',
'default' => 'custom',
After that we set all dimensions ‘allowed_dimensions‘ to which we assign a default value of 50 with unit in %.
The four dimensions are linked.
The result applies to an image which will have a perfectly round rendering.
'label' => __('Rayon de la bordure (%)', 'eac-components'),
'type' => Controls_Manager::DIMENSIONS,
'allowed_dimensions' => [
'top', 'right', 'bottom', 'left'
'default' => [
'top'=>50, 'right'=>50, 'bottom'=>50, 'left'=>50, 'unit'=>'%', 'isLinked'=>true
'selectors' => [
'{{WRAPPER}} .image-wrapper img' => 'border-radius: {{TOP}}{{UNIT}} {{RIGHT}}{{UNIT}} {{BOTTOM}}{{UNIT}} {{LEFT}}{{UNIT}};'],
Two default values with 'Controls_Manager::DIMENSIONS'
I want to show you how you can set default values to modify only two corners of an image.
In this example we only define two dimensions with ‘allowed_dimensions‘ to which we assign a value in ‘px’.
The two dimensions are linked.
Note that the ‘WRAPPER‘ should be apply to all dimensions.
'label' => __('Rayon de la bordure', 'eac-components'),
'type' => Controls_Manager::DIMENSIONS,
'allowed_dimensions' => [
'top', 'bottom'
'default' => [
'top' => 75, 'bottom' => 75, 'unit' => 'px', 'isLinked' => true
'selectors' => [
'{{WRAPPER}} .al-image-wrapper img' => 'border-radius: {{TOP}}{{UNIT}} {{RIGHT}}{{UNIT}} {{BOTTOM}}{{UNIT}} {{LEFT}}{{UNIT}};',